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PostPosted: Sat 16 Feb, 2013 - 3:23 pm 
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Okay, so what you do in this game is that you describe a dangerous or panicky situation and you've got to say a solution to escape this problem. Then when you've got an answer for it you continue this leading to another problem that needs a solution, and so on. Once someone ends the story then we start up a new one. I shall start:

You live in Hawkville, and on the top of the hill there is an old manor that has been abandoned by life for years but is also said to be haunted. You are curious and brave, and with your best friend you head up to the manor with only a flash light, 4 pins, two candy bars and 5 matches each. The manor door is locked and will not budge. Your friend suggests alternative ways to enter the manor: A broken window that you would need to climb a tree and jump across to to get inside, a trapdoor that leads to the basement of the manor, and a back door that leads into the medical section of the place. You think about the options. Climbing up a tree would be dangerous, you could accidentally slip and fall out. Plus, if you try to jump it you might fall and break or sprain something since it's pretty high up, not to mention if you do reach the window you'll get a few cuts from the broken glass. The basement would be frightening. It would be full of rats and cobwebs and creatures that might lurk down there. There's also rumours going about that the basement used to be the place where a family had been shot dead one by one. The medical area seems to be the safest option, except back then the medical equipment wasn't too great. There will probably be needles and saws and such that might be laying about, and since it wouldn't be too nice to step on a needle, would it? What do you do?

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PostPosted: Sat 16 Feb, 2013 - 8:07 pm 
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Go home and play Minecraft.

You are a very important passenger of a huge cargo airplane. You are currently flying above the Pacific Ocean. One of the staff of the airplane runs to you saying that both the pilot and the co-pilot fainted. You only know how to fly a light aircraft, but you are the only one that is able to fly. What do you do?

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PostPosted: Sat 16 Feb, 2013 - 10:09 pm 
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Go home and play Minecraft :V

I dont really see what other choice i would have than to fly the plane o.o

Your trapped in a room with your classmats/colleges, Suddenly there is a raging fire. The only escape route if through a window, however to break said window you must 'throw' someone at it, but by doing that the person would be killed. What do you do?
A) Throw person at window, taking thier life, but saving everyone else.
B) Sit back and let someone decide, you may live, you may perish.
C)Sacrafice yourself, which ends in your demise, but the others survive.
D) Nothing, everyone will perish in the fire.


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PostPosted: Sat 16 Feb, 2013 - 10:13 pm 
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B, Sit back and let someone else decide

You are in the middle of a zombie apocalypse and you are in the middle of a street swarming with zombies and there are 3 possible exits: Climbing up a tree and waiting for the zombies to move, But a branch could break or you could fall or the zombies will not leave, Ringing the bell in a church tower to attract thier attention and leave while they are distracted, could hurt yourself if you fall or the zombies could catch up with you before you make it, Or there is a reletivaly clear steet with only a few zombies, you could risk your life running through there as fast as possible, but a zombie could catch you, you could trip or the street may not be a empty as you think... What would you do?

I Have 2 good ones coming up :3


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PostPosted: Sat 16 Feb, 2013 - 10:21 pm 
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Go through the clear street.

Minecraft crashes. What do you do?

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PostPosted: Sat 16 Feb, 2013 - 10:26 pm 
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Kill mahself

There is a runaway train and there is a faimily of 5 on the track ahead of the train, they cannot move for some reason, you are on a bridge watching the whole thing happen with a big muscular bloke who is leaning on the edge so that 1 tiny push will push him onto the track, he is heavy enough to stop the train but he will die, but if you dont push him the family of 5 will all die, you can also jump down, you will die too, but the train will not be able to stop, however, it will slow it down so only 3 people of the family will die, What do you do?


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PostPosted: Sun 17 Feb, 2013 - 1:19 am 
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Take my camera out and film the whole accident.

You burn yourself with a very hot piece of aluminum. What do you do?

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PostPosted: Sun 17 Feb, 2013 - 3:44 am 

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d-d-d-drop it like it's hawt

hot aluminum falls onto a trail of oil that leads to a bunch of explosives. whatdo?




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PostPosted: Sun 17 Feb, 2013 - 9:42 am 
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Go home and play minecraft

You are a person in a mining team, you are in a cave near the beach and you are coming out of it, but the entrance you came in through is about to be blocked because the tide is coming in, you have to get out otherwise you will drown, there is a little hole at the top of the cave for you to exit out of one at a time using a rope, so someone called big sam goes first, but he is quite a large man and he gets stuck in the hole, his top haalf is out of the cave. if you do not get out of there you will drown, you have a stick of dynamite to blow big sam up so the rest of your crew can get out, but big sam is begging for his life, if you drown, big sam will survive as his top half is out of the cave... What would you do?


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PostPosted: Sun 17 Feb, 2013 - 12:18 pm 
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Walk out of the cave. It's not blocked yet.
Why are people always dying in these things?

There are four rooms around you. Each has a different cake, and you may only pick one. The one in front of you has your favourite cake, the cake on your right is huge, the cake behind you has the most icing you've ever seen, and the one on your left is covered in *insert favourite food here*. Which do you pick?

I'm Igloosaurus, hear me rawr

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PostPosted: Sun 17 Feb, 2013 - 12:24 pm 
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I would magic up a bulldozer from no where and bulldoze the walls so I could just walk through and nom all the cakes. :D Then go home and fish for platypi.

You're skiing on a mountain top in some random snowy place, but suddenly you hear a rumble and as you look up you spot an avalanche starting as snow stars to tumble down like a tidal wave. It' coming towards you, fast, and you won't be able to outrun it, not even on your skis. What do you do?

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PostPosted: Sun 17 Feb, 2013 - 3:36 pm 
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Try to go down the hill as fast as I can so I have a chance of surviving or just to live a little bit longer.

There's about 100 F-18 fighter jets flying above your house. What do you do?

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PostPosted: Sun 17 Feb, 2013 - 5:02 pm 
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Eat a cake and go home to eat more cakes

You run out of cakes and it's a bank holiday, what do you do?


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PostPosted: Sun 17 Feb, 2013 - 5:20 pm 
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Go to my local shop (which is open everyday) and buy more cakes.

You found a wallet full of money and credit/debit cards. What do you do?

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PostPosted: Sun 17 Feb, 2013 - 8:49 pm 
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eat it


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PostPosted: Mon 18 Feb, 2013 - 3:51 pm 
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You're about to get hit by a train. Your feet are tied to the rails. You see a man about 400m away from you. When you screamed, you see him running to you, but the train is speeding at 200km/h and is 1km away from you. What do you do?

I lack imagination ;__;

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PostPosted: Mon 18 Feb, 2013 - 7:04 pm 

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nothing. because i'm iron man.

You are tied to a spiked chair, tape around your mouth, hands cut off, legs cut off, blinded, and you're in a room with surround sound speakers blasting justin bieber. whatdo?




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PostPosted: Mon 18 Feb, 2013 - 8:30 pm 
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Bleed to death because of my missing legs and hands.

You get burned. What do you do?

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PostPosted: Mon 18 Feb, 2013 - 8:42 pm 
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Curl up in a ball and cry ;_;

All the internet around world crashes and cannot be re-instated.
What do you do?

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PostPosted: Mon 18 Feb, 2013 - 11:24 pm 

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go on an adventure and prolly get eaten by a monkey-lion-piranha crossbreed

on a boat. going fast. scrape bottom of boat. boat sinks. shark infested water. you can't swim very well. a mile away from shore in every direction. you have a non-lethal cut. sharks coming closer. you have no weapons. stormy weather ensues. whatdo?




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PostPosted: Tue 19 Feb, 2013 - 7:00 am 
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Ninja kick the shark in the face and then use its decapitated body to scare off other predators and float me safely to land.

You have only but a few drops of oil in your lamp and you are deep in the catacombs under the pyrimid of King Tut. You begin to hear moaning sounds from behind you and end up getting lost in the labyrinth. Your lamp is now burned out and the moaning sounds are getting louder. You have a wife and children and a dog and wish to get back home safely.

What do you do...


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PostPosted: Tue 19 Feb, 2013 - 10:33 pm 

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leave the tomb and get my kid something to eat to make his stomach stop growling. #bestparentaward2013

Ninjas. Surrounding you (you think, can't really see them and stuff.) what do?




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PostPosted: Wed 20 Feb, 2013 - 12:03 am 
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Deploy a bubble shield and start shooting in random directions.

You are caught in a small concrete room and have shackle connected to a heavy ball and chain and a leak has sprung on a pipe above you and next to it is a metal trapdoor with holes in it. However, when you stand up ad try to open it, you notice it is locked. You try to stop the leak on the pipe by holding it but the pressure is to strong. You look down and see an iron pick but also notice that the room was filling up extremely fast. Already up to your ankles. A voice comes on and tells you there is a key imbedded in the concrete inside the red square, you look around and find the square under a panel. The water is now up to your knees in only a matter of seconds. You mine through and eventually find the key but when you unlock the trapdoor the key breaks. You try to hoist yourself up out of the room but are weighed down by the shackle. The voice comes back on and tells you there is a knife outside the trapdoor and a key at the bottom of the room. The water is already above your jawline. You have two choices. Choose wisely.


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PostPosted: Wed 20 Feb, 2013 - 1:32 am 

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heh. i'm a merfolk, grabs key and knife because free knife and then leave shouting yolo as i travel through the passageway

you are unarmed, you only have what is on your person, on an empty street the nearest house is 3/4 a mile away and you hear a whirring noise of a chainsaw behind you and hasty steps. you only have the abilities of your actual self. the person chasing you is going to kill you. Your only escapes are those that are actually possible in the real world.




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PostPosted: Wed 20 Feb, 2013 - 6:07 am 
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If your merfolk then you would have dried up and died when you left thewater.

Anyway, I would run... plus, I take a knife wherever I go. I also took private Moi Tai lessons. So I would as a last resort try to fight back.

You are poisoned, and there is only one antidote produced in the world. The poison works slowly but will paralyze you in only 3 hours. 1 hour already taken. Not even the fastest jet in the world could get from Australia to Chicago within the alloted amount of time. There is only one manner of transportation that could help you. A teleportation device. However, all test except one proved fatal for the subject, normally ending up with mismatched limbs and missing body parts. You must answer with real world answers and only in ways that YOU yourself could do.


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PostPosted: Wed 20 Feb, 2013 - 9:50 am 
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Well, you never said WHERE the antidote is.... so I'll just assume it's right next to me. Nom nom, cured, yay.

You're bored out of your mind. What do you do?

I'm Igloosaurus, hear me rawr

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PostPosted: Wed 20 Feb, 2013 - 4:25 pm 

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btw, merfolk grow legs when out of water, so i wouldn't shrivel up and die ._.

you have 3 days till you die a painless death. you have 1.5 million euros that you can use.




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PostPosted: Fri 22 Feb, 2013 - 3:35 pm 
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On the last day I'd drop the whole lot from a plane and watch poeple fight over every last note and coin.

You are in the middle of a war between two factions. You're family and freinds are all killed because of the war and you alone remain. Do you side with one faction to stop the other when both are as equally responsible for the death of those you knew or do you start a third group to bring both sides down, even though you'll have little recourses to start. (You can't play Minecraft as there is no electiricty.)



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PostPosted: Fri 22 Feb, 2013 - 8:55 pm 
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Be like Conner from AC3 and kill everyone!

And btw. Igloo I clearly said that he antidote was located in Chicago and that you were in Australia.

You are standing on an small iceberg that is slowly melting. There are several sea lions circling the iceberg and swimming under it. There is a lifeboat only 30 yards away. You can't jump it but you are a good swimmer. However, the sea lions are even better swimmers. You only Ave the clothes you are wearing now and a backpack. Thenack pack contains an ice pick, 3 flares, a flare gun, beef *, and 5 heating pads. You look around and find a couple small stones. What do you do?


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PostPosted: Fri 22 Feb, 2013 - 8:59 pm 
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Gah... the "no cussing plugin needs an update. The word after beef is J E R K Y


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PostPosted: Fri 01 Mar, 2013 - 5:29 pm 
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Use the clothes to make rope, tie the end to a rock, throw it at the boat and try to reel it in. Nom the snacks.

Also, you didn't, you just said that the flight from Australia to Chicago takes ages, you never said anything was in either place...

You are sitting in a room. There is a box of day-old donuts, but fresh donuts are being delivered in about an hour. If you eat the old donuts you can't eat the fresh ones. Do you eat the old ones or wait for the new ones?

I'm Igloosaurus, hear me rawr

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PostPosted: Wed 06 Mar, 2013 - 2:44 am 
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It all depends? What if the "New" ones took a day to get to wherever youre at and there is only an hour left for it to get to your house? What if they are Mocha sprinkled? What if they are poisoned? What if they were nuclear warheads that explode on contact with your lower intestines? I would probably wait on the new donuts and then eat the old ones...

You are walking down the street and see your two favorite chinese restaruants have just move to your block... however... they are side by side and everytime... i mean EVERY... you always get full when you eat at either. Which restaurant would you go to? The one on the left or right? This must be answered by going to either restaurant regardless of whether or not you like chinese or not... You like chinese and you answer either "left" or "right"!!!


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PostPosted: Wed 06 Mar, 2013 - 2:47 am 
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And belg... not the true merfolk!


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PostPosted: Wed 06 Mar, 2013 - 2:53 am 

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both. quantum physics all up in this business. schrödinger would be proud.

Win lottery but the rest of your life will be full of depression because all of your friends and family just like you for your money.


Have a puppy. But it will die tragically and when it would be the worst possible time for the tragedy to happen.




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PostPosted: Mon 11 Mar, 2013 - 10:12 pm 
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I'd have the puppy but I'd save it by winning the lottery. Then HAPPY DAYS... then depression.

You own a set of cursed trading cards that will always win a game but it everytime you use the set you get weaker/sicker and/or someone very close to you dies. Additionally the set wil eventully betray you and you'll lose over and over. to try and discard the set at this point will kill you.
You can choose never to use the set but it will just find another way to make you use it. The set can also be destroyed but to do so it wil take something of value with it.



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PostPosted: Sat 16 Mar, 2013 - 12:42 am 

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i'd give it to someone else.

have a house that has a huge ball pit or house with trampolines everywhere. can't have both you're not rich.




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PostPosted: Fri 19 Apr, 2013 - 4:10 pm 
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Ball pit!: Who dosnt like ball pits

Have Haza Eat your Kidneys, or Let Techy Operate on you?

Nead Neu Siggy Plz annie1 mak on 4 meh?

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PostPosted: Sat 13 Jul, 2013 - 6:32 pm 
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Let Haza eat my Kidneys, who needs kidneys anyway?

Fall down every set of stairs you come across or get your hand slammed in every door you open?


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PostPosted: Sat 13 Jul, 2013 - 6:34 pm 
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Fall down the stairs.

Eat 300 whole chickens, with no breaks. Or 1000000 slices of bacon?

2nd chance made the background by the way, he makes some pretty cool stuff:
"People don't think the universe be like it is, but it do."
-Black Science Guy

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PostPosted: Fri 05 Sep, 2014 - 8:38 pm 
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Wrap the chickens in the slices of bacon and deepfry it all together. I would then feast for the next 30 days.

You are trapped in a metal box in the middle of the pacific ocean. There are small holes in the bottom of the box letting water inside. You only have your clothes and whatever can fit in your pockets. What's in said pockets and how do you survive?


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PostPosted: Fri 12 Sep, 2014 - 9:44 pm 
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I have nothing in my pockets. I use the empty space in my pockets to contain air to allow me to survive as I swim to the surface. >:)

S**t out a watermelon...whole. OR P**s out a metre of barbed wire?


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PostPosted: Tue 29 Mar, 2016 - 10:39 pm 
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Well, you can eat watermelons...

Minecraft Crashes...


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PostPosted: Mon 11 Jul, 2016 - 4:47 am 
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You nail your finger to a birdhouse accidentally...


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PostPosted: Wed 18 Sep, 2019 - 6:19 pm 
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Develop a relationship with the birds, and convince them to free you.

Travel back in time, and get trapped in the year 2016


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