Hawknet Computing

More Suggestions for Zion
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Author:  TheWarpuppy [ Wed 02 Feb, 2011 - 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  More Suggestions for Zion

Dude I'm on a roll with these suggestions.

First, I think that there should be more ranks. At the moment, ranks are few and far between, with a large gap of requirements in between. Guests go from having to get 5k blocks to 150k, and to some of them it doesn't seem worth it. To keep people interested with the leveling up process, there could be more ranks or "benchmarks" in between. Simply give them a slightly higher cuboid at each rank, or an extra "fun command". There wouldn't have to be more maps or anything, as those would still be awarded at Builder and Advbuilder ranks respectively, or with their equivalent rank.

Secondly, this is a suggestion for when you start coding Hawkserv (or whatever its name will be). Currently there is a feature with cuboid that allows you to select a higher amount of blocks than you can actually edit at one time, and it will cuboid UP TO your maximum. This doesn't happen with spheroid or megaboid, and since I use the former a lot I would find it extremely useful if that were fixed. Currently spheroid will simply not start the command if you select too big of an area, and it becomes difficult to find the exact amount that you are allowed.

Third, themed maps. Pretty self-explanatory, but it would allow members of the server to band together and create a truly awesome map. I've seen things on other servers like a Rome map or a Medieval map. It can get pretty epic sometimes. Just a thought.

I had more but I cant remember them :P I'll post back here when I think of them

Author:  Zion Fox [ Thu 03 Feb, 2011 - 12:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: More Suggestions for Zion

Loving your suggestions Puppy ^^

I was thinking about having some 'trusted' or 'VIP' ranks between adv and op, but come up with a few ideas of rank names, and what commands they should be able to use?

Author:  TheWarpuppy [ Thu 03 Feb, 2011 - 5:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: More Suggestions for Zion

Alright here we go. This might take some time, cuz I'm gonna have to scour all the current commands and block counts and move around a lot of commands. Here is my suggestion for the new rank hierarchy:

Requires: 5k blocks minimum, a good building design
Cuboid limit: 250
New commands: cuboid, hollow, line, tp, undo 60
Requires: 20k blocks minimum, good building design, good behavior
Cuboid limit: 500
New commands: spheroid, text, tree, undo 120
Requires: 50k block minimum, good building designs, trust with OPs
Cuboid limit: 1k
New commands: paint, rainbow, undo 360,
Requires: 90k blocks minimum, good building designs, trust with OPs
Cuboid limit: 1.5k
New commands: replace, tnt, copy, paste, stairs
*Architect (AdvBuilder)
Requires: 150k blocks minimum, high quality building designs, trust with OPs and Admins
Cuboid limit: 2.5k
New commands: tempban, gun, slap, kick, mb, portal,
*Agent (Trusted)
Requires: 500k blocks minimum, superb buildings, extremely high level of trust with OPs and Admins, very selective position
Cuboid limit: 5k
New commands: kickban, jail, invincible?
Requires: application on forum
Cuboid limit: 7.5k
New commands: same as current
Requires: application on forum, good behavior as HOP :)
Cuboid limit: 25k
New commands: same as current
*Supreme Galactic Overlord
Requires: Be Zionfox or Mapsapper
New commands: /win, /bossmode,

EDIT: Btw, this is all subject to change. I might come back and change my mind at any time, and of course some of these might be a very bad idea. This is my preliminary plan/suggestion, so I'm waiting to see how yall like it.

Author:  Jake [ Thu 03 Feb, 2011 - 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: More Suggestions for Zion

Great suggestions TWP

heres mine

Head Builder
Advanced Builder
Head Advanced Builder
Super Op
Retired Op

Author:  Zion Fox [ Thu 03 Feb, 2011 - 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: More Suggestions for Zion

Very nice Puppy, some of the undo actions would need changing in the update to make some of these work. As a standard, anyone other than ops can undo 120 seconds of their own work. It does make sense to up that option, and maybe give halfops the ability to undo others' work, by 15-20 minutes at least. Maybe increase ops undo to 2-5 hours worth.

Don't forget that these ranks need colours too. The available colours are: Current ranks in ( )
  • Black (nobody)
  • Navy
  • Green (builder)
  • Teal (advbuilder)
  • Maroon
  • Purple (admin)
  • Gold
  • Gray (guest)
  • Blue (halfop)
  • Lime
  • Aqua (op)
  • Red (superop)
  • Pink
  • Yellow
  • White

I don't mind mixing around other ranks' colours, however people with multicolour titles will have their ranks colour in the title (to prevent the nick turning a different colour, 'tis why i prefer to use /tcolor).

Also, what does /win and /bossmode do? o.o XD

Author:  TheWarpuppy [ Thu 03 Feb, 2011 - 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: More Suggestions for Zion

I agree that we should up the undo-other limit for OPs. I find myself coming too late to an epic griefing situation and I can only undo half of it or so. That would definitely help.

Here is my suggestion for colors:
  • Black (nobody)
  • Gray (guest)
  • Green (builder)
  • Lime (artisan)
  • Teal (designer)
  • Gold (blockmason)
  • Maroon (architect)
  • Navy (agent)
  • Aqua (halfop)
  • Blue (op)
  • Purple (admin)
  • Red (sop)
  • Pink
  • Yellow
  • White

Okay I didn't use Yellow because it is hard to read, and Pink because Pink. I think there should be a rule against giving people random colors. All it does it cause disruption as people don't know who is what rank. Titles can be any color though.

And btw, I completely made up /win and /bossmode. That last rank was a joke :P

EDIT: I don't think each rank should have a new map to themselves. Either keep the maps at the same ranks (with a name change if needed), or have the map intervals at Builder, Blockmason, and Agent

EDIT: I see you Zion, being sneaky with my posts :P I didn't know if you wanted to include SuperOP because I didn't think you'd ever planned to use that rank.

Author:  Rogiler [ Thu 03 Feb, 2011 - 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: More Suggestions for Zion

But wouldnt this in turn make it harder to rank up and what about those people like me who want to go for op but if this is then enforced have to go through another rank or two to get it i dont mean to sound selfish or anything its just that sometimes change is good and sometimes it isnt

Author:  TheWarpuppy [ Thu 03 Feb, 2011 - 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: More Suggestions for Zion

You'll remain at the exact same rank as you are now (or its equivalent). It doesn't make it harder to rank up as the same amount of blocks are required for both Builder and Advbuilder (architect). In fact it would now be easier to rank up as you get more commands earlier than you would going from Builder to Advbuilder, as well as a higher cuboid. In fact, you could rank up past Advbuilder now to Agent, which would be beneficial for your application to OP.

Author:  Rogiler [ Thu 03 Feb, 2011 - 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: More Suggestions for Zion

Ok fair enough but what about a trial run with it first off and if that goes well it can stay?

Author:  TheWarpuppy [ Thu 03 Feb, 2011 - 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: More Suggestions for Zion

Well that is up to Zion of course, if he even wants to implement it.

Author:  Zion Fox [ Thu 03 Feb, 2011 - 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: More Suggestions for Zion

Anyone, even people who haven't even played on the server can apply for operatorship. Obviously the choice is dependand on trust, and respect among the current op team.

I do like the new ranks system and if implimented, would be put into the current system in full swing. :D

Author:  TheWarpuppy [ Fri 04 Feb, 2011 - 1:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: More Suggestions for Zion

So should we put this to a vote or are you going to make an executive decision on it? If you do put it to a vote, then I could finalize the ranks (including SOP, which you would have to help me with as I don't know what that rank's duties are) and then post it in another thread. Once we get everyone to vote on it, then I guess you make the decision. Just let me know :)

Author:  Zion Fox [ Fri 04 Feb, 2011 - 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: More Suggestions for Zion

Sop can do everything in the server besides make and compile custom commands, which i might get rid of that feature since i have the source.

A vote can be thrown, if you think you can get people to vote, then by all means. I'll set up a topic soon where you can cast your vote.

Eventually, sops (or maybe ops) will have a small GUI which they can use to monitor the server, and restart it if it's crashed, etc. But this won't be for some time, and after extensive testing.

Author:  TheWarpuppy [ Fri 04 Feb, 2011 - 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: More Suggestions for Zion

Okay I'm going finalize the proposal with updated colors, add the SOP, and increase block requirements for each level. I figure that with a higher cuboid limit it will be too easy to get some of the higher ranks.

Author:  poketman [ Thu 17 Feb, 2011 - 11:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: More Suggestions for Zion

TheWarpuppy wrote:
Alright here we go. This might take some time, cuz I'm gonna have to scour all the current commands and block counts and move around a lot of commands. Here is my suggestion for the new rank hierarchy:

Requires: 5k blocks minimum, a good building design
Cuboid limit: 250
New commands: cuboid, hollow, line, tp, undo 60
Requires: 20k blocks minimum, good building design, good behavior
Cuboid limit: 500
New commands: spheroid, text, tree, undo 120
Requires: 50k block minimum, good building designs, trust with OPs
Cuboid limit: 1k
New commands: paint, rainbow, undo 360,
Requires: 90k blocks minimum, good building designs, trust with OPs
Cuboid limit: 1.5k
New commands: replace, tnt, copy, paste, stairs
*Architect (AdvBuilder)
Requires: 150k blocks minimum, high quality building designs, trust with OPs and Admins
Cuboid limit: 2.5k
New commands: tempban, gun, slap, kick, mb, portal,
*Agent (Trusted)
Requires: 500k blocks minimum, superb buildings, extremely high level of trust with OPs and Admins, very selective position
Cuboid limit: 5k
New commands: kickban, jail, invincible?
Requires: application on forum
Cuboid limit: 7.5k
New commands: same as current
Requires: application on forum, good behavior as HOP :)
Cuboid limit: 25k
New commands: same as current
*Supreme Galactic Overlord
Requires: Be Zionfox or Mapsapper
New commands: /win, /bossmode,

EDIT: Btw, this is all subject to change. I might come back and change my mind at any time, and of course some of these might be a very bad idea. This is my preliminary plan/suggestion, so I'm waiting to see how yall like it.

I can get all of those easyily!(hacks mapsapper

Author:  Zion Fox [ Fri 18 Feb, 2011 - 10:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: More Suggestions for Zion

poketman wrote:
I can get all of those easyily!(hacks mapsapper

Really, you'll need to be on his subnet then, since his IP is locked to his nickname. :D

Author:  poketman [ Fri 18 Feb, 2011 - 1:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: More Suggestions for Zion

And or hacks zion... OR goes to zion's house
Lol i would never do that

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