Well this is were i post my suggestion's
1.Steam for all ops and abouve(like a steam account that all ops and abouve can use)
2.Something that can let us mic chat(i just thought of it cause im getting a new mic)
3.More commands for adv and ops
4.Adv mebers get there own map if they joined before 2011
Heres some commands
/freeze (username)
/jail (username)
/undo (username (number) number limit for 100 sec cause
/unjail (username)
/tpa (username) Kinda like summon but spelled diffrent and adv can use it
/gun explode
/openmap (usernames) To open your map
/goto (map) Replaces g
/report (name) (action) Well were you ever guest and or builder and you see someone greifing no adv builders and or ops Well use /report It will take a pic and he/she can get banned
/checkreport Opens a gui that has all report's in it
/nick (name) Well you can change your name like ops give title's you can change your name e.x(/nick Seth) would change my name to seth
Well thats all for now.... ill add more later