Hawknet Computing

My suggestion forum
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Author:  poketman [ Fri 18 Feb, 2011 - 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  My suggestion forum

Well this is were i post my suggestion's
1.Steam for all ops and abouve(like a steam account that all ops and abouve can use)
2.Something that can let us mic chat(i just thought of it cause im getting a new mic)
3.More commands for adv and ops
4.Adv mebers get there own map if they joined before 2011

Heres some commands
/freeze (username)
/jail (username)
/undo (username (number) number limit for 100 sec cause
/unjail (username)
/tpa (username) Kinda like summon but spelled diffrent and adv can use it
/gun explode
/openmap (usernames) To open your map
/goto (map) Replaces g
/report (name) (action) Well were you ever guest and or builder and you see someone greifing no adv builders and or ops Well use /report It will take a pic and he/she can get banned
/checkreport Opens a gui that has all report's in it
/nick (name) Well you can change your name like ops give title's you can change your name e.x(/nick Seth) would change my name to seth
Well thats all for now.... ill add more later

Author:  Zion Fox [ Fri 18 Feb, 2011 - 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My suggestion forum

Some good suggestions, but you need to elaborate more on them...

My questions are italicised

poketman wrote:
Well this is were i post my suggestion's
1.Steam for all ops and abouve(like a steam account that all ops and abouve can use) - Why a Steam account?
2.Something that can let us mic chat(i just thought of it cause im getting a new mic) - I will be adding Teamspeak 3 once enough people demand it
3.More commands for adv and ops - What commands?
4.Adv mebers get there own map if they joined before 2011 - No. There are 68 advbuilders. Giving each of them their own map is memory exhausting.

Heres some commands
/freeze (username) - Already Exists
/jail (username) - Already Exists
/undo (username (number) number limit for 100 sec cause - Already Exists
/unjail (username) - Just type /jail again
/sethome - Why would you need this?
/tpa (username) Kinda like summon but spelled diffrent and adv can use it - /summon will be a lower rank command once i sort out them not being able to summon higher ranks
/gun - Already Exists
/gun explode - Already Exists
/tnt - Already Exists
/fly - Already Exists
/openmap (usernames) To open your map - /load - /unload exists
/goto (map) Replaces g - /goto and /g are the same thing. /g is the shortcut
/report (name) (action) Well were you ever guest and or builder and you see someone greifing no adv builders and or ops Well use /report It will take a pic and he/she can get banned - You're asking for clientside actions here, which can't happen serverside.
/checkreport Opens a gui that has all report's in it - See /report
/nick (name) Well you can change your name like ops give title's you can change your name e.x(/nick Seth) would change my name to seth - No. Limitations in Minecraft Name Registrations (and also allowing users to change their names by any method would be against Minecraft ToS) it would be super confusing for everyone. Titles are prefixes, which don't change your name.
Well thats all for now.... ill add more later

Most of these commands already exist, try using /help [command].

Author:  Jake [ Fri 18 Feb, 2011 - 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My suggestion forum

All ADV's get their own maps, my opinion is that is a very bad suggestion. There are many ADV's, if they were to have there own map, there would just be to many.

Author:  TheWarpuppy [ Fri 18 Feb, 2011 - 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My suggestion forum

Agreed with Zion and Jake

Author:  poketman [ Fri 18 Feb, 2011 - 9:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My suggestion forum

... ok heres what i mean like they have like 10 maps with specific areas for the person to build in
and commands are for the adv
since there like... second in charge

Author:  Zion Fox [ Fri 18 Feb, 2011 - 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My suggestion forum

Technically, Super Ops are second in command, then it's the ops. Technically speaking, advbuilders should never consider themselves 'in charge', they just have mild powers over others. Technically, having 10 maps (alongside the current 6) and any op maps that they want, would be way too intensive on the server, unless you want to start donating towards server upgrades? :D

Technically... :D

Author:  Mr Muutjenz [ Fri 18 Feb, 2011 - 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My suggestion forum

Pahaha Zion :D

OT: Poketman the reason you got Advanced Builder rank is because you had enough blocks placed ,and some good buildings.For being HOP OP SOP you need trust.You can't earn trust with placing blocks,you need to be urselve and help the newcomers,be a +point for the server.And never think about ranks.

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