Hawknet Computing

Commands that Archetects prolly shouldn't have:
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Author:  Belgeran [ Tue 15 Mar, 2011 - 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Commands that Archetects prolly shouldn't have:

small tnt

~A service happily provided by Belgeran

Author:  Jake [ Wed 16 Mar, 2011 - 12:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Commands that Archetects prolly shouldn't have:

I agree to some of these commands that need to be changed to Higher Ranks which then they can be contained safely. Architects i think is just ADV Builder, not sure, but considering there was a high number of ADV's/ Architects, some commands could be easily abused resulting to bad situations.

Author:  TheWarpuppy [ Wed 16 Mar, 2011 - 12:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Commands that Archetects prolly shouldn't have:

Well Zion fixed a lot of these commands when Adv first got flooded. I'm assuming that once he added the new ranks, he just forgot to change them over again. They'll be fixed soon.

Author:  Belgeran [ Wed 16 Mar, 2011 - 4:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Commands that Archetects prolly shouldn't have:

For lower ranks nerve_gas
and can architects be able to use tempban cuz kick doesn't always work

k thnx bai

Author:  slapshot_22 [ Wed 16 Mar, 2011 - 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Commands that Archetects prolly shouldn't have:

i agree with belgeran (in his last post) arch (adv) should be able to use tempban but only for up to like 30 or so minutes because i personal have been on the server (no ops were on) and found about 5 griefers and easly tempbaned them and solved that problem. Also i have never been to this server and been the only arch (adv) person on there. So letting advbuilders have tempban in my thoughts is a good idea. Again i also agree with belgeran about how adv should not have some commands. seeing the two floods in one day (both were by accident) make me anxious about letting arch (adv) have commands like active_water and active_lava (and most other commands that could lead to flooding.

thanks for your time
happy building

Author:  notacoolnamehuh [ Sat 23 Apr, 2011 - 3:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Commands that Archetects prolly shouldn't have:

yeah, it gets pretty annoying when i'm the only ranked person and there's a couple of guests who just keep coming back after i kick them for griefing :l
just my personal opinion

Author:  Zion Fox [ Sat 23 Apr, 2011 - 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Commands that Archetects prolly shouldn't have:

Yay for month old bumps :D

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