Hawknet Computing

Town Back stories (Season 3) [Read Only]
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Author:  Satan360100 [ Sun 29 Dec, 2013 - 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Town Back stories (Season 3) [Read Only]

By now you all know the drill, with the new year we're on to season three of the "Hawknet Story" and we need new Towns and reasons for why they exist. Give it your best shot.

Author:  Satan360100 [ Fri 02 May, 2014 - 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Town Back stories (Season 3)

Laenadur (Pronounced Lie-And-Ur)

A prosperous city of magic and technology. The high wizards of Laenadur needed a place to call their own so the formed white magical walls and towers to sequester themselves off from the rest of the world, only speaking to their ally, the town of Varlos. Magic was practiced within the walls and the boundaries of reality were pushed to their breaking point. Knowledge flooded the world through Laenadur's mind. However the young wizards became too enamored with power.

They wanted more though space and time were already stretched thin. A great cataclysm split the ground through Laenadur and for the first time since being summoned into existence, the Laenadur wall had fallen. The Earth itself tore open and swallowed the wizards. The city that had been build within the territory of Laenadur crumbled. Bridges collapsed and the entrance to Laenadur was sealed beneath several tonnes of rubble. Laenadur was destroyed.

Amid the fires and smoking ruins remains a small colony of survivors. Survivors who had given up magic in pursuit of a peaceful life. However the greatest of the wizards had not died. They scattered among the world of Hawknet to build anew. The moral of the story is to not push the limits of what can and can't be done.

Author:  Hardscope [ Fri 09 May, 2014 - 4:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Town Back stories (Season 3)


After remaining on Earth for several decades, the species has mixed with humans and lost some of it's former intelligence and superiority. The Timelords have begun to make a more permanent home on Earth. They have focused on making a showcase Capitol "New Gallifrey" high in the mountains. They employ other humans and mixed Timelords to work in several districts outside of the capitol city. Conditions in these districts are often horrible with people living on the bare minimum of what they can survive on. Most resources are sent in to the Capitol of New Gallifrey and part are kept among the workers.

The Timelord government has remained the same. A three branch system with a House of Cardinals, High Council and Military Council. The Government has taken up a much more strict rule, especially against humans and mixed Timelords. Full humans have little rights and mixed Timelords have limited opportunity for government positions. All high government positions are still reserved for pure Timelords, as many still believe they are truly more superior.

The Timelords have no respect for anyone who practices magic and little to no respect for humans either. Magicians and other heretics are regularly killed or forced to kill each other in arenas for entertainment. Timelords continually try to expand to create an empire of sorts with their military bases and colonies like Navitas around the map.

Author:  Setsuna [ Tue 03 Jun, 2014 - 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Town Back stories (Season 3)


Based in the space colony in the End, the town of Zeta is a group of people who have transcended ordinary humans and become Newtypes. These advanced humans are given priority to running the government inside of the space colony, as stated in chapter seven of the Hawknet Century charter.

While the space colony is still under construction, Zeta's main objective is to protect it from enemies while supplies are being brought in on the railway. Our long term goal is to help colonize space, so that in the event the earth becomes uninhabitable, humanity will survive.

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