Hawknet Computing

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Author:  Belgeran [ Tue 23 Aug, 2011 - 3:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: /agree

By joining the server they automatically agree to the terms and conditions of the server and are responsible for any action they make that breaks the T&C even if they haven't read them. They are also given information on how to read the rules and if they need further understanding about particular rules they can just ask. In reply to the I didn't know or how was i supposed to know is a simple: you automatically agree to the rules and it is your responsibility to read them, i sometimes even show guests the rules after a simple problem such as language or small amount of tunneling.

Author:  TheWarpuppy [ Tue 23 Aug, 2011 - 3:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: /agree

Although Belgeran is completely right, I still wouldn't mind seeing this implemented.

Author:  Zion Fox [ Tue 23 Aug, 2011 - 6:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: /agree

The only problem I can see with this is completely rewriting the permissions system, and the database system, which means all users will loose their statistics (ranks remain, titles, logins, blocks, etc will be lost).

Currently, you are informed to read the rules twice when joining the server. One in the MOTD on the loading screen, and one on a message block inside spawn. You are also told that the guest map is often reset, and to read our Terms and Conditions. Unfortunatly we can't force anyone to actually do that, but as long as we clearly supply the information, and it cannot be avoided, then that's the most we can do.

If this were implimented, I could see the popularity of Hawknet Freebuild drop since people won't be able to build there. It's the same as Beta servers that don't allow you to build until you've been there for a few days. I've been on a few of those servers, and I spent at most 5 minutes there, and have never been back to them.

Author:  Nerozx [ Fri 26 Aug, 2011 - 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: /agree

I was on a classic server, and all the guests were spawned in a jail and they had to do /rules and after /agree in order to go to the guest map.

Author:  Belgeran [ Fri 26 Aug, 2011 - 11:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: /agree

in the case of they don't speak english we could open a forum stating who has the ability to speak a certain language so that in the event that someone needs clarification or some other case that we know who we can ask to help the person out.

Author:  Satan360100 [ Sat 27 Aug, 2011 - 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: /agree

Too much effort Haza? Never!

Author:  countyfan1 [ Sat 27 Aug, 2011 - 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: /agree

This is why one of the questions in op applications is "What languages do you speak?"

Author:  Belgeran [ Sat 27 Aug, 2011 - 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: /agree

eh, yh but it would be nice to know what languages designer+ speak so that if an op is online but can't speak a certain language they can ask. I say designer + because they are pretty trusted ranks and wouldn't say bad stuff to the new person.

Author:  Satan360100 [ Sat 27 Aug, 2011 - 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: /agree

I'd say blockmason+ Bel... Just because it's harder to get to Blockmason/architect and it would mean that the player took the time to get to a more respectable position rather than making 1 giant build that would give them the 50k blocks required for designer (I may not have gotten that right, I need to see the requirements again...).

Author:  Zion Fox [ Sat 27 Aug, 2011 - 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: /agree

I disagree with an agree command. It won't deter griefers that much, and will not be great for first time players who don't know what server comamnds are, and are roaming around wondering why they can't build. That, and it'll require a complete overhaul of the map permissions system to prevent people building until a value has changed, and implimenting a method to store that change, which will introduce many more bugs, and could potentially corrupt storage databases making everyone loose their statistics.

Currently, Half Ops and higher can send the rules to players. This can change with software updates. Players are told about the rules twice when joining the server. Once in the Message of the Day, and once on a message block in the spawn area. They are also told about the Terms and Conditions which cannot be bypassed normally. This is plenty by itself and will stand up in court perfecly fine if anything ever got that far. If a user breaks the rules, or our Terms and Conditions, without reading them, it's their own fault. There is nothing we can do to force users to read it, short of throwing the rules in their face when they join, which combined with the rest of the automated text will fill the chat area instantly, meaning that it'll dissapear when everyone and their pet dogs greet the user on join. :D

Author:  Satan360100 [ Sat 27 Aug, 2011 - 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: /agree

I like it how Zion can tell you what you need to know but slip in a joke or two.

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