Hawknet Computing

Server Full
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Author:  Techy [ Wed 29 Jun, 2011 - 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Server Full

Wiht our most recent move to the top of the list on the minecraft site Hawknet appears to be filling up to max very easily. This is great! exept when you try to get in. I tried to get into the server for about 30 mins last night and finally got in when someone was banned. Ive seen it before but I dont know if it is possible, but could it be made such that when an OP+ tries to get in it might boot out a guest? It seems a bit harsh but if there are no Ops in the server filled with guests things could get mighty messy.

Please Consider,

Author:  Zion Fox [ Wed 29 Jun, 2011 - 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Server Full

This is exactly the case for allowing users behind the same NAT and Host into a full server. The feature of allowing others into a full server is in the process of being implimented.

/moved to the correct forum

Author:  Techy [ Wed 29 Jun, 2011 - 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Server Full

Ah ok ty :D

Author:  Setsuna [ Fri 01 Jul, 2011 - 7:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Server Full

Is there a reason the player limit can't be increased? If it's because guest is too small then cant we just make a guest2 level? Perhaps we could build a neat little room to start out in and have portals going into different guest levels. Hawknet freebuild is by far the best and most fun server I've ever played on, and if we can accommodate more players that would make it even better. I really don't know the technical aspects of running a minecraft server, there's probably a very complicated explanation as to why hawknet cant have more players online at the same time, and i wont be able to understand a word of it :lol: I'd like to hear your thoughts on this though.

Author:  Zion Fox [ Fri 01 Jul, 2011 - 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Server Full

The current reason the playerlimit is so low is due to the overwhelming number of guests that have joined the server over the past few days, and the lack of operators to manage them. Me and chris agreed to around 1 op per 12 guests, and due to current memory, CPU, and bandwidth limitations at this stage of popularity we need to try to keep everything under control. Once the popularity has dropped, we will raise the limit back to 24.

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