Hawknet Computing

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Author:  TheWarpuppy [ Fri 25 Mar, 2011 - 4:29 am ]
Post subject:  Suggestions

I wrote/compiled these so you know they are good :)

List tiem!

    *Reserved slots for OP+

    */Restore should clear zones (would be a problem with guest spawn... but I think the pros outweigh the cons)

    */Measure should be given a shortcut (I use this command a ton, too long to type IMO)

    *More /door blocks

    */ban @ [name] should undo maximum minutes allowed (5400 for OP, 50000 for SOP). Currently it only does 5400 and I have to enter another command to get maximum undo

    *Delete hell world (who goes there?) and put in a monthly-themed map. Adds more variety and would create some awesome community builds

    *There is a glitch where /color [username] doesn't always work. If you use /tcolor on them (if the glitch is active), it will affect their total color and not title color, thereby fixing it (sort of)

    *Some servers have a feature where /goto will automatically load the map you are going to if it is unloaded. If no one is on that map, it is automatically unloaded. Figure this would help a lot with personal maps and server speed

    *More colors for titles/names? Possibly an orange color?

I'll add more as I think of them. It is kind of a quick list, just stuff off the top of my head, I'll clarify anything if you need it.

Author:  Zion Fox [ Fri 25 Mar, 2011 - 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestions

Thanks for the suggestions puppy!

Reserved slots are in the process of being implimented, expect to see them soon :D

If you can think of a good shortcut for measure, let me know. /help short will give all the current shortcuts.

More doors are being implimented

/ban @ [name] will probably not undo all actions for sop+, but it could do a very large amount (24 hours maybe). Example being when you ban a builder+, it will take forever undoing a weeks of their actions, and will lag the server respectively.

Monthly themed map sounds good, will need a community vote though.

The glitch with /color and /tcolor is when custom colours are used in /title. The last colour used in /title (IE: rainbow title) will override the colour of their name. This only effects the colour of their name when typing, not above their heads, and usually typing /color [name] del can fix it. A workaround is to set the user a title, then change the colour of the title, or remember to set the colour to their rank colour after setting a multi-colour title. The only downside to the latter is that when the promotion comes along, their title will need resetting.

HawkServ already has the feature to "load on /goto", it's just not active. The only negative is that this could double the time it takes for players to /goto, especially on large, filled maps. With the current issue that Minecraft 0.30 has where it shows a black screen instead of a loading bar when changing worlds, this could 'trick' users into thinking the server, or a map, crashes their client.

I'll take a look into the more colours feature, however i think that they're all hard coded into the minecraft client. If colours can be replaced, you'll need to think of ones that aren't used , or more hex values. (Incase you haven't noticed, all the colour values are 16bit HEX, from 0 to f)

But please do, come up with more :D

Author:  Rogiler [ Fri 25 Mar, 2011 - 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestions

what about /msre or /m for measure :D

Author:  TheWarpuppy [ Fri 25 Mar, 2011 - 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestions

I suggest /msr

EDIT: Or /ms (if it isn't already taken)

Author:  TheWarpuppy [ Wed 30 Mar, 2011 - 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestions

Is it possible to make the "x" function of WoM (noclip) apply to certain people but not others?

Author:  Zion Fox [ Wed 30 Mar, 2011 - 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestions

Unfortunatly no. Disabling WoM features is serverside, not per person, or per map. I have tried and looked into this, and unfortunatly there is no way around it without getting the WoM team to change their code.

Author:  Setsuna [ Sun 03 Jul, 2011 - 7:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestions

I'm a few months late for this thread, but a monthly themed map sounds awesome! And maybe a few new guest layouts that rotate monthly or weekly. And how about a forest map? imagine the current guest map, but with trees separating the islands instead of water, and maybe add some hills. I'm overflowing with level ideas :mrgreen:

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