Hawknet Computing

HawkServ Update
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Author:  Zion Fox [ Sun 05 Feb, 2012 - 12:55 am ]
Post subject:  HawkServ Update

The new changes are now live, and are viewable here!

FIX: WoM texture config settings can now be set in properties
FIX: Operators can now undo their usual amounts

HawkServ Version

ADD: Allow other ranks to undo others for xxx seconds set in properties
ADD: The Properties and Update window now appear alongside the main window when drawn
ADD: Properties feature to allow x warns before autoban, and what type of ban to use - Disabled due to no function yet
ADD: Backup Browse button to easily navigate to a backup location - Disabled due to no function yet
ADD: Port and Connection checking for the server and MySQL - Disabled due to no function yet
ADD: MySQL Options in the Properties Window - Disabled due to no function yet
ADD: Enhanced WoM Options in Properties Window - Disabled due to no function yet
ADD: Properties feature for rank specific undo time
ADD: All files needed are downloaded when the server launches, if they don't exist
ADD: Properties are now read differently, adding the ability to use WoM client features
ADD: More symbols: (halo) and (ring) creating cirlces
ADD: $seen identifier used to return the date of the users last login
ADD: New function 'Player.GlobalMessageAdmins(string message);' for sending messages to admins
ADD: New function 'Block.IsClassic(byte type, bool physics);' for checking if the block is a Classic block
ADD: Developers are now allowed to join full servers
ADD: Internal function Player.SendDetails(string type, string message); to send wom details
ADD: WoM notifications for player join/leave
ADD: Console can now whisper to players with the @ prefix

FIX: Uppercase chars crashing clients
FIX: Disable physics and special blocks from being used with /gun and /missile
FIX: Major issue where the console cannot ban IP's
FIX: Issue where the console returns an error when banning nicknames
FIX: Issue where errors are thrown when using /ban # on an offline player
FIX: Added thread locking on map save to prevent issue with block change error
FIX: Complete redesign of the Properties Window, organising options into groups
FIX: Major crash when attempting to launch the executable without any other files
FIX: Added returns in the ban command to prevent errors
FIX: Small issue of a mistyped character when unhiding someone else
FIX: Major issue where heartbeats to hawkserv.co.uk were not being formatted properly
FIX: Issue where /perbuild does not take effect with portals
FIX: Major issue where the blocks per session were being multiplied
FIX: Single stairs/steps/slabs and dirt-grass now count for 1 block instead of 2
FIX: /send now checks the player list and only sends messages to exisitng players
FIX: Empty lines being returned in console on /players
FIX: Removed extra space between Developers and the players in /players
FIX: Spelling mistake in the help string for /spin
FIX: Issue with using adminchat (=) and whisper (@) prefixes via console chat
FIX: Only Halfop+ are allowed to see hidden players in /players

CHANGE: Ban messages are now sent to the player who called it, instead of spamming chat
CHANGE: Banning and Unbanning an IP now shows the message to the player who called it
CHANGE: Undoing actions of others now shows the message to the player who called it
CHANGE: Redesigned and grouped common properties in the Properties Window
CHANGE: "$first" identifier to "$join" - returns the players join date
CHANGE: "To Ops" and "To Admins" colours now respect the group colours of the ranks
CHANGE: Constant '+' prefix for developers instead of a title
CHANGE: The 'Player.SetPrefix();' function now supports an additional optional string which is placed before the title
CHANGE: Checkboxes in the Properties window now enable and disable related text boxes

Some features that were proposed have been delayed to push out getting a major fix to the current server. This will be tested while the dropped features are implemented.

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